Today’s walk was blessed with sunshine and warmer weather. I was able to wear just a t-shirt and shorts for the very first time during the hike.
The day started earlier with a little color in the sunrise. Crows again were amassing as the bus loads of pilgrims hit the pavement early in the day.
With a little coffee and toast in the belly, we powered on for over three straight hours until taking a break. A couple of Coke zeros and a bocadillo eaten, we decided to extend the days walk to 23 miles to shorten the next days walk calling for rain.
Tomorrow is the LAST full day of walking the Camino. It’s hard to believe it’s coming to an end!
The final miles were quiet as most pilgrims were hunkering down in their respective places for the night.
Finally arriving after 6 pm and 10 hours of walking, I jumped into a hot shower before taking in a salad and spaghetti dinner.
I placed another of my Camino coins on the wall of coins at this Albergue as well.
I go to bed tonight thinking of Ann who has arrived in Spain today to take in Holy Week in Santiago. This will be a great culmination of this wonderful journey.
Today I am also grateful for doctors Pinto and Peterson who cared for my spine to make this trip possible.
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